Care Navigation




At Ryeland Surgery we have a team composed of a wide range of clinicians, with different skills and interests to deliver excellent care to our patients. In order that you get to see the right person at the right time, we have a dedicated team of ‘Care Navigators’ trained to signpost you to the best service to fulfil your needs.

In order to do so, they will need to ask you a little about the nature of your problem. This information you give them is all in strictest confidence. Please help us to help you by sharing information with our Care Navigators, so they can book your appointment with the best person to help you.

As well as our GPs, practice nurses and HCAs, our team includes:


Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) 

A team of Nurse Specialists who can help with many acute illnesses and exacerbations of existing medical conditions.


Primary Care Paramedic (PCP)

A paramedic who has undergone training to deal with non-life threatening emergencies and acute illnesses.


Physicians’ Associate (PA)

A health care professional trained to deal with the management of chronic illnesses and problems associated with them, as well as acute illnesses.


Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner (MSK FCP)

A specialist physiotherapist who can see and assess patients with pain or altered function in bones, joints and muscles. She can offer advice and refer into physiotherapy services or onwards to more specialist services.


Mental Health Advanced Care Practitioners (MH ACP)

Specialist Mental Health Nurses who are able to help with any problems such as anxiety, low mood/depression, bereavement and other psychological and behavioural problems. They are able to prescribe medication and advise you on other options to help manage, and recover from, many mental health difficulties.


Clinical Pharmacy Team - Clinical Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians

They can answer questions about your medication, such as changes in dose or preparation, problems with prescriptions and altering dose of medication. They are able to initiate and adjust medication for many different conditions.


Well-Being Team

This is a team of people who are very experienced in assessing any social needs, problems with housing, care services, children’s services. They include Social Prescribers, Health Coaches, Care Co-ordinators, an OT, a Child and Young People’s Nurse and a dietician. They can help at times when life is difficult – we feel lonely, isolated or overwhelmed. They can signpost you to local services which may be of help. They are able to offer advice and information on weight loss, smoking cessation and exercise facilities locally.


Community Pharmacist

Your local Pharmacist is trained and able to provide many services previously delivered by the surgery. This is a great support to us and our Care Navigation team know what can and can’t be dealt with by the local Pharmacy. They are able make the appropriate referral for you which will be responded to that day.


The local minor injuries unit (MIU) in Ludlow

Can see you up to 2 weeks after the incident causing your problem. They have X-ray facilities if you have had an accident which may have resulted in a bony injury. You can attend MIU without a referral or our Care Navigation Team may suggest you see them if it is appropriate.