Does Age Affect The Risk Of Flu?
Yes. If you are aged 65 years or over or you are at higher risk.
Who Is At Risk?
- If you are aged 65 years or over
- If you have a chronic respiratory disease (including asthma)
- If you have chronic heart disease
- If you have chronic renal disease
- If you are diabetic
- If you have a weak immune system
- If you live in a long-stay residential or nursing home
- If you have a chronic liver disease
- If you are a carer
Flu & Covid Vaccination Clinics
Saturdays 30th September and 7th, 14th, 21st October. These are the only dates available so please do get booked in as soon as your invitation arrives – there will be enough appointments for everyone eligible. There will not be any additional clinics.
All eligible patients will receive an invitation by text or letter. Appointments will be bookable online or by phone. If you are able to book online please do so, for those who can’t, a flu phone line will be open for a limited time each day, the details will be on your invitation. Please do not call our main number to book into the flu clinics. To avoid congestion please do not arrive more than 10 minutes early for your appointment.
As in previous years, all vaccination clinics will be held at Earl Mortimer College, South Street, Leominster HR6 8JJ. We are very grateful for the school’s ongoing support.
Housebound Patients
If you are truly housebound (unable to leave the house unless by ambulance) you will have your vaccination at home. If you are able to get out and about, even with assistance, you will be expected to attend one of the vaccination clinics at the school.
Is it safe to have both vaccinations at the same time?
Yes, flu and covid vaccinations have been given together for the last 3 years and this is recommended by NHS England.
Can I have the vaccinations separately?
If for any reason you do not want to have both flu and covid vaccinations on the same day, that is fine. However, we only have the capacity to offer you one vaccination appointment, so you will need to find another provider and location for your second vaccination.
What are the side effects?
Side effects are often short-lived. You may have a sore arm at the injection site and feel a little under the weather for a few days so homely remedies and pain relief can be taken if necessary.